Monday, 2 November 2015

Frustratingly Slow Pace

If I could put words to my feelings today I would say that frustration would be at the top of the list, and I will explain why; but first let me say that yesterday at the local Salvation Army corps we meditated on David and Goliath.

We were told by Polis that we can't fight a giant with the same type of weapons as his. David didn't go against him with sword and spear but just with a sling and some pebbles and in the strength of the Lord. You can't defeat malice with malice but you can with goodness and love.
Things keep arriving for our distribution to the refugees. For many days now we've been receiving parcels from the Netherlands but today we had our fist shipment from the UK. Tunbridge Wells Corps did a Greek evening and collected things to send over.
I was told that they went to a shipping company to get things shipped over and it so happened that the owner of that company was a Greek Cypriot. When he heard of what the things were for, he offered to ship everything for free.

Our frustration (and especially Jan's, who is trying to organise all this) is connected to the fact that we are still waiting to hear about that very large warehouse that was offered for us to use. There are several track-loads of goods ready to be shipped over and we just don't haver the storage space yet. The slow pace of my motherland can be frustrating some times.

Please pray with me for a storage space as soon as possible. Also please pray with me for the building we are trying to locate near the square which we could use as a Day Centre. Funding has been already offered for starting this project but it all just takes sooooo long.


  1. Sharing. a snapshot of your blog today at Medway City of Sanctuary meeting at the Hope Centre for all Nations Rochester

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
